Sunday, 1 June 2014

Popham 2014 Update

It was the first time in my experience that we had good weather on both days, and attendance was high with a few camping over on Saturday evening.  G-GSAL was sporting a new Hercules propeller with a none authentic colour scheme, but everyone seemed to like it.

Saturday, Mike Clark flew in his fine example of a GSAL Fokker Eindecker for the our stand, and was there to answer questions for any potential builders.


Mike's aircraft is powered by a 50 hp Hirth F23 with belt reduction drive, it also has a Hercules Propeller, which is the only type that GSAL recommend.  At the end of the day Mike performed a few flypasts before setting of for home, we managed to capture a very short clip on the mobile phone.  Many thanks to Mike for his support.

GSAL, invited Hercules Propellers, proprietor, Rupert Wasey to our stand for the weekend.  Rupert flew in his award winning Flitzer biplane while we carried his lovely Bell tent by road.  We had invited Rupert to get a feel for the Microlight scene, promote his products and provide technical expertise on propellers.

On Sunday Steve Duckworth flew in his lovely GSAL Fokker Eindecker for our stand, his aircraft was featured in the September 2013 MF magazine, and has the same MZ201 / Hercules Propeller combination as G-GSAL (prototype).  Steve was also on hand to answer questions about the build process.

Preparing to leave for home, Many thanks to Steve for his support.

GSAL also had the prototype MDS 30 V-Twin on the stand, sporting a Hercules Propeller on loan for the show, many thanks to Rupert Wasey for his support.

We are currently working on the development of the V-Twin and should be posting updates shortly once we have some solid performance data.

It was a very good weekend with many traders showing new or updated products, and there was certainly a feel that the good days are coming back, lets hope so..!!

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